When you drive there is list of things that may scare you. Some people fear getting a ticket for speeding. Others may fear driving on the freeway. Maybe you are afraid of driving next to semi-trucks. It is probably safe to say at one time or another you are probably scared that you are going to get in an accident. While most people think that when you get in an accident it will be with another vehicle this is not always the case. Vehicles share the road with pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists and you can get into an accident with these too. Today Speedway Towing & Roadside Assistance wants to talk about sharing the road with bicyclists.
What Do Bicyclists Need to Be Aware of when Sharing the Road with Drivers
There are some things that both the driver of the vehicle and the rider of the bike need to know in order for us to safely share the road with each other. Most of the time the focus is placed on what the motorist can do to make sure that they do not hit the bicyclists. Responsible bicyclists know that there are things that they need to do to prevent accidents as well.
• Bicyclists have to obey all traffic control devices and use hand signals to indicate stops and turns. This helps the motorists know what the bicyclist is doing next.
• If you are hit while riding a bike there is serious risk for injury. Wearing a properly fitted helmet at all times can literally be the difference between life and death. Thousands of injuries are avoided each year simply by bicycle helmets.
• Bikers will always want to ride on the right side of the road in the same direction as traffic. Bicyclists will want to use the lane that is furthest to the right that will take them to where they need to be.
• Just like motorists, bicyclists will need to check for traffic before entering a street or intersection.
• Bike riders will want to ride in a predictable manner. If you are swerving all over the place it will be hard to cars to not hit you.
• You will want to be extremely visible to drivers. We recommend that you wear brightly colored clothing that provides contrast. Reflectors, reflector tape, and/or reflective clothing should all be considered. If you are riding your bike at night you will also want to use a white light in front and a red rear light on your bike.
Tips for Motorists to Share the Road with Bicyclists
If you are driving your car and see bicyclists on the road you will also want to take extra precautions to avoid an accident.
• If you see a bike rider drive cautiously. If you can reduce your speed when coming up on a bicyclist you should.
• When on the road bicycles have to adhere to the rules of the road. They will need extra time to change lanes when needed. Please give the bicyclists extra space to make their moves.
• When you are passing a bicyclists leave four feet between you and the cyclists. If you need to change lanes in order to give the bicyclists the necessary space do so with caution.
• If you see children riding bikes on the road be extra aware. Children have the best of intentions when they are riding their bikes but they are often unpredictable. In addition to being unpredictable they frequently do not know the traffic laws. Please be careful!
Towing & Roadside Assistance & More in Irving, Fort Worth, Arlington, Carrollton & Plano Texas
Here at Speedway Towing and Roadside Assistance some of the worst calls are when we have to go out and tow a car that hit a bicycle. There is just something so traumatizing about hitting someone riding a bike. Our heart always goes out to our drivers that find themselves in this situation. Knowing how to safely share the road with bicyclists should help prevent these types of accidents. Contact us for all your towing and roadside assistance needs.